Raephela — The Origin and Nature of the Species
By: Mary Elizabeth Ames
Publisher: Koehlerbooks (US), (December, 2021 TBD)
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After the Cassius Foundation’s crushing defeat, communities of H. transformans and H. sapiens gradually recovered. Still they kept watch, certain that the foundation had not been wholly defeated. Meanwhile, Raephela, head of the Cassius family, seized the foundation’s reins and began its resurrection. She ordered her lieutenants to restore the army, and she dispatched hunters to capture H. transformans and H. sapiens alike to serve as enslaved workers. Determined to rule everyone within her reach, she ordered her geneticists create evermore violent animal hybrids to terrorize and kill anyone that resisted her rule. Allied H. transformans and H. sapiens joined forces to resist her suppression. Once again, an unforeseen entity determined the outcome.
Illustrations by Epic Made
Chapter TBD
Chapter TBD
Homo transformans — The Origin and Nature of the Species
By: Mary Elizabeth Ames
Published: Xlibris US (March 29, 2018)
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Approximately 175 years after Earth was struck by a gamma ray burst, a new characteristic began to arise in some humans. After many generations, humans appeared who were capable of transforming into another species of animal, most often a mammal. Overtime, the advantages of this new capability become apparent and, consequently, very valuable.
Two highly antagonistic factions, the Cassius Foundation and the Biogenics Corporation, competed with each other to achieve power and dominance in society. Both sought to exploit H. transformans to advance their own interests. Hence, H. transformans were hunted and captured for their abilities to transform or were killed for their genes. The Cassius Foundation, in particular, altered the genetic makeup of many species, including H. transformans, leading to enhanced capabilities in a few and striking deformities in most.
Communities comprised of H. transformans and sympathetic H. sapiens formed in an effort to protect and defend themselves from persecution. One of these communities, the House of Erwina, fostered a young H. transformans (Ruwena) with extraordinary abilities who presented herself as an H. sapiens. Ironically, many of her adventures obliged her to depend on her alternate species, while keeping her ability to transform a secret.
Ultimately, two factions emerged to determine the fate of the new species. With the balance of power and the preservation of H. transformans at stake, the defenders faced their mortal enemy in a battle they would not win.
Chapter 3: The X T Factor (Excerpt)
Chapter 12: Into the Boar’s Den (Excerpt)
The story is illustrated with 15 paintings of scenes − some whimsical, some dramatic − and 13 line art drawings of creatures from the book. The professional graphic artists of Epic Made produced these illustrations. (The author’s favorite is a spectacular painting of a great gray dragon creating a firestorm.)